Michael Nesmith dead at 78 due to Heart failure

Michael Nesmith dead at 78, confirmed by Mickey Dolenz, his bandmate. Michael Nesmith was a singer and guitarist for the hit band “The Monkees”. The world remembers the artist as he passed due to heart failure on Friday at his home in Carmel Valley, as told by his manager.

Mickey Dolenz, bandmate and a dear friend morns and remembers his friend saying, “I’ve lost a dear friend and partner. I am grateful for spending some last months together and doing what we loved best, singing, laughing, and doing shtick. I’ll miss it all so much. Especially the shtick. Rest in peace, Nez”

Michael Nesmith dead at 78
Michael Nesmith dead at 78

The Monkees tour manager, Andrew Sandoval, was taken by shocked as he said that the group was just recently performing and this is not justice to the artist.

Nesmith and Dolenz last performed in a show on November 14, 2021, in Los Angeles, where he moved after a short stint in the Air Force.

Michael Nesmith won the Grammy in1981 and is survived by four children.

Michael Nesmith dead trended on social media hashtags as the world mourns the artist and loss to the world and to the united states of america.

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