“Worst for Ukraine is Yet to Come,” says French President on War

Paris, France:- French President on War between Russia and Ukraine said, “Worst for Ukraine is Yet to Come”, the words came after Emmanuel Macron spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin for over 90 minutes.

French President also said that Russian President Vladimir Putin has intentions to conquer the whole of Ukraine and the worst attack from Russia is yet to begin, as the Russian forces start to unleash on Ukraine with its full potential.

"Worst for Ukraine is Yet to Come," says French President on War
“Worst for Ukraine is Yet to Come,” says French President on War

Russia, till now, resisted topping its military potential, so as to have the civilian population of Ukraine on its side, which might help them throw out the Ukrainian government and dissolve Ukraine into Russia.
In his talks to Putin, Macron said that Russia has intentions to cross the whole of Ukraine and capture it.

This move of Russia will dissolve Ukraine into Russia and remove it from the world map, with Russia’s new neighbors, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, and Moldova.

This worries the European allies, as it promotes peace in the region, and is mostly dependent on other countries financially and militarily, and war in their home will mean a collapse of Europe, unlike the US, Canada, and the UK, who are far beyond the Russian reach, but may fight a war in eastern Europe, the home ground of Germany and France.

French President on War, like India, has advocated on the diplomacy way with a peaceful resolution.

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