Kim Kardashian dating Kanye West again after Pete Davidson Split?

Kim Kardashian dating Kanye West is the rumor of the holly block after an unexpected Kim Kardashian split with Pete Davidson. Kim reportedly was worried that Kanye might try to win her back after her breakup.

Kim Kardashian dating Kanye West again after Pete Davidson Split?
Kim Kardashian dating Kanye West again after Pete Davidson Split?

Kim Kardashian, 41, is single again after her split with boyfriend Pete Davidson, 28, which has already shocked the holly world and reports suggest that Kim is hinting to date Kanye AGAIN.

But, the sources tell that Kim Kardashian dating Kanye is good for talks but she is not even thinking about doing it, she was worried that the breakup with Pete might make Kanye West think of trying on Kim again and “Win her Back”.

Earlier, Kim said that she was happy that Kanye was dating other women and has moved on in life, also the Kim and Kanye divorce is finalized and could be settled any day now, and hence her close staff rubbished the rumors.

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