Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars for a joke about Wife Jada Pinkett Smith

Dolby Theater, LA, USA:- Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock the host of Oscars 2022 for a joke he cracked on Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith about her Hair, which happens to have offended the Husband Will.

Oscars is known for the recognition of great work around the globe and the emotional speeches that are remembered for decades after, but the 2022 Oscars will be remembered for something extra, “The Slap of Will”

Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars for a joke about Wife Jada Pinkett Smith
Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock at Oscars for a joke about Wife Jada Pinkett Smith

It all started when Chris Rock was on stage to present the Best Documentary award, and as the hosts do, he started with jokes about the people sitting in the audience.
He stated will Javier Bardem and his wife Penelope Cruz, who bother were nominated for Best Actor and Best Actress respectively.

Chris Rock said about the couple, “If she loses, he can’t win. He is praying that Will Smith wins”

As he mentioned Will Smith here, Chris Rock turned to the Smith couple sitting near the stage and joked about Jada Pinkett Smith about her said comparing it to the Buzzcut Demi Moore from the Movie “G.I Jane.”

Chris Rock started with, “Jada, I love you, can’t wait for G.I Jane 2.”

Jada has, in the past, been open about her struggle with hair complications.

As the joke was delivered, the audience laughed, Jada was visibly upset, and Will Smith walked up to the stage and slapped Chris Rock.
In the USA, the visuals and audio of the live telecast was cut from the Oscars broadcast, but it aired in countries like Japan, India, and Australia, where the conversation after the slap went like this,

“Will Smith just smacked the s**t out of me.” Chris Rock said regaining his posture.
“Keep my wife’s name out of your f**king mouth.” Will Smith said.
“Wow, dude, It was just a G.I. Jane joke,” Chris Rock replied.
“Keep my wife’s name out of your f**king mouth” Smith again said.
“I’m going to… OK,” Chris Rock said.

In the end, Chris Rock said, “That was one of the greatest nights in the history of television”

As the world watched the live telecast of Oscars 2022 ‘Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock’ trended around.

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