Q2 GDP Results: Indian Economy grew 8.4% in July-September, 2021-22 FY

New Delhi, November 30, 2021:- Q2 GDP results for the financial year 2021-22, of the Indian Economy data, were released on 30th November 2021. Indian Economy grew at 8.4% in Q2, July-September Quarter.
In the previous quarter, the Indian economy grew by 20.1%.

This is a significant rise when looking at the Q2 results of the last financial year, which contracted by 7.4%.

Q2 GDP Results
Q2 GDP Results

The GDP numbers were mostly in fit with the predicted data by various institutions.
The growth in GDP, as predicted will mostly be on the shoulders of the Agriculture sector, which drives the consumer spending in India.
SBI had projected the GDP of India to be between 8.1% to 8.5% for Q2.

Rising GDP is the need of the Government of India to achieve its aim of a $5 Trillion Economy.

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