Scarlett Johansson clears rumors of having Sex in an Elevator after the Oscars

Silence has been broken and Scarlett Johansson clears rumors of having Sex with Benicio Del Toro allegedly after the 2004 Oscars in an Elevator, the actress speaks of the articles and words around it and clarifies how absurd it sounded to her.

While describing the story, without naming anyone she said, “There was a rumor that went around for a very long time that said that I had sex in an elevator. That was a story that followed me for a long time. But I always thought that was outrageous.”

Scarlett Johansson clears rumors about having Sex in an Elevator after the Oscars
Scarlett Johansson clears rumors about having Sex in an Elevator after the Oscars

“I was always thinking to myself… “That would be tough,” It’s a very short period, the logistics of that seem so unappealing to me, and I’m a person who’s terrified of being caught doing something I’m not supposed to be doing. So that made the story even that much more absurd to me.” she further clarified and said how baseless and absurd the rumors were.

The rumors started when Scarlett gave an interview to Allure and sarcastically said that Benicio Del Toro was a fabulous person and they had sex in the elevator while someone was there and it seemed unsanitary.
But, as the sarcasm was not taken playfully, later she clarified by saying that it was all taken out of context, and now Scarlett Johansson clears rumors of having Sex in Elevator after Oscars with Benicio Del Toro.

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